Bankruptcy Case Study

Client Feedback


“ClickWhipt generated more calls and clients for us in the first month than the past 24 months combined! Having Luda take care of our advertising has made a world of difference for my bankruptcy practice.”

Jason Richards, Salt Lake City, Utah


Client Background


ClickWhipt was approached by a bankruptcy attorney. He was the sole owner. He was already running Google AdWords himself for the 24 months prior, and his budget was $1k a month. He was only generating 2 to 3 leads a month. He knew the results could be improved. His main objective was to attract more calls that turn into paying clients.


Project Scope


Our approach consisted of the following steps:

  1. Review the existing account to determine ways in which the account could be restructured to improve efficiency. In many cases, poor performing accounts are not built in a way that ensures you are getting the most of your spend and/or are not being properly optimized.
  2. Identify advertising methods that were currently not being utilized and recommend ways in which the campaign can achieve best results. (Google Ads is by far the best ROI for attorneys)
  3. Identify advertising methods that were currently not being utilized and recommend ways in which the campaign can achieve best results. (Google Ads is by far the best ROI for attorneys)
  4. Use tested and proven campaigns and landing pages to get the best possible conversion rate.
  5. Implement call tracking to ensure that all phone inquiries are properly captured, recorded and improvements in the call handling process identified.

These actions were completed within 48 hours after the start date.


Results – First 1st Month


Since rebuilding and taking over management of the campaigns, the client’s cost per lead has been reduced by about 90%. The budget was raised to $1600/month because of the great ROI.



Email from another satisfied Bankruptcy attorney: